Alexander Schaaf
2024-08-15 Goroutines
2024-06-30 Te Araroa: Walking across (most of) Aotearoa New Zealand
2023-08-10 Te Araroa: Gear Plan
2023-08-06 Hiking the North Coast of Devon
2022-09-03 Listening to changes in PostgreSQL from JavaScript
2022-02-28 How to write concurrent Python using asyncio
2022-02-20 How to use WebSockets in React
2021-07-04 Decorators in Python
2021-06-26 Deploy a NextJS app on a Raspberry Pi using Gitlab CI/CD
2021-02-14 Automate parsing Kindle highlights using Go


2024-10-31 TypeScript path aliases and esbuild
2024-09-16 Enabling Copilot in NeoVim/NvChad