Alexander Schaaf

Listening to changes in PostgreSQL from JavaScript

After seeing how Supabase Realtime allows you to listen to changes in your PostgreSQL database I wanted to learn how this actually works.

The first step is to figure out how we can actually observe events happening inside our database from the outside without simply spamming SELECT queries. PostgreSQL provides several features we can use to instead: triggers, channels and notifications. Triggers will allow us to react to an event on a specific database table, like an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE event. These triggers allow us to run Postgres function, which allow us to send notifications into a channel. These channels can then be subscribed to by other software - like an API server.

Setting up a Postgres database

Firss thing we need is a PostgreSQL database. I’m a fan of simply using Docker Compose to quickly define and run databases for my tinkering projects. With the simple docker-compose.yml file defined below we can quickly spin up a database running at localhost:5432 using docker compose up.

# ./docker-compose.yml
version: "3.8"

    image: postgres:14-alpine
    restart: always
      - POSTGRES_USER=postgres
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres
      - POSTGRES_DB=notify
      - 5432:5432
      - db:/var/lib/postgresql/data

    driver: local

Now that we have an empty database lets set up a table - and of course we use the canonical todo list as an example. The SQL command below defines the table todo_item with an auto-incrementing id column and text, completed and created columns.

CREATE TABLE todo_item (

You can run this using any software that can connect to your database and run commands - I frequently make use of the open-source Beekeeper Studio or JetBrains DataGrip. But you can just as well use the official Postgres interactive terminal psql.

With our database set up, lets get started with setting up the triggers.

Event-driven Postgres

Postgres triggers can be defined to listen to INSERT, UPDATE and DELETE events on any table in our database. They can either run before or after the triggering event, and for either each row or the entire statement that has been executed. This means that we, for example, can react to multiple inserts happening in one statement individually, but also to the collective insert event.

To define a trigger we need to provide it with a callback function that it executes when triggered. So we start with defining our function first using the CREATE FUNCTION command. What we want our function to do is send a notification to a channel, which we then can listen to from the outside. To do this Postgres provides the NOTIFY channel [ , payload ] command. The docs also mention the pg_notify(text, text) function, taking the channel name as the first argument and a payload as the second. Either would be fine to use for our purpose, so I went with the latter and have the function PERFORM the function call pg_notify('todo_item_created_event', 'Hello World!');. It sends a notification to the channel todo_item_created_event with the arbitrary payload Hello World!.

    RETURNS trigger AS
    PERFORM pg_notify('todo_item_created_event', 'Hello World!');
    RETURN null;
    LANGUAGE plpgsql;

Now that we have our callback function defined we can define our trigger using the CREATE TRIGGER command. I defined it to run AFTER an INSERT statement on our todo_item table - and to EXECTUTE our above defined PROCEDURE notify_new_todo() FOR EACH ROW that is being inserted.

CREATE TRIGGER insert_todo_item
    ON todo_item
EXECUTE PROCEDURE notify_new_todo();

And thats about everything we have to do within PostgreSQL. Now we need to actually listen to the channel for events.

Listening to Postgres notifications from JavaScript

So lets create a tiny Node project using yarn init -y. We need a way to interact with our PostgreSQL database from JavaScript. We can use node-postgres for this by installing it using yarn add pg. Afterwards, lets create a listener.js file and import pg. We need to provide it with a connection string to connect to our database. The username, password and database name we have to use are based on the environment variables POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_PASSWORD and POSTGRES_DB defined in our docker-compose.yml file. We then instantiate a client instance we can use to connect to the database and execute queries.

// ./listener.js
const pg = require("pg");
const connectionString = "postgres://postgres:postgres@localhost:5432/notify";
const client = new pg.Client(connectionString);

After connecting to our database using client.connect, we can use the LISTEN command provided by PostgreSQL to listen to any events in our channel todo_item_created_event. By calling client.query("LISTEN todo_item_created_event") we will get a notification everytime the pg_notify function sends a notification to our channel - so everytime we insert a new todo item.

client.connect((err, client) => {
  client.query("LISTEN todo_item_created_event");
  client.on("notification", () =>
    console.log("A new todo item has been inserted.")

We can use client.on("notification", () => {}) to run a callback function in response to any notification coming into the channel. In our case a simple console.log statement suffices to test the system. Now we can run our little program using node listener.js. But to actually see anything we need to start inserting rows into our table.

INSERT INTO todo_item (text) VALUES ('Write blog post');

Whenever we now run the above SQL statement, we insert a new row into our table. This leads to our trigger to run send a notification to the channel we are listening to from our little JavaScript program - which will log "A new todo item has been inserted." in our console every time. All done!

Of course Supabase Realtime does much more, like using WebSockets to push the notifications onward to clients to provide real-time updates.